Ah yea, this was a kid (yes really) that spread hate comments all over itch and had their account suspended after someone reported them to their school? Dunno the whole story but that's about it.
on my first play through the game i couldn't save it kept showing game error, the save feature started working on the second, its fine now but a bit frustrating on the first one
So glad to see if updated, I literally did a not so little happy dance when I saw the new content. I can't wait to try this game out, but may I ask a few questions?
Thank you so so much, my main question is two fold, will their be an aspect of romance/dating in future updates and will there be explicit/sexual content or scenes? In regards to the second question I want to be clear that my future enjoyment of this VN is in no way dependent on there being explicit content, I am just curious about what you meant when you said there would be NSFW material in future updates. Finally I have one more thing to say that I am very afraid may come across as rude or out of line when I mean it only as feedback from a fan. This feedback is that I would like to see more reaction animations for the character models. But all in all I'm so happy that this VN isn't dead and I cant wait to see what's yet to come.
Aye aye, sorry for the late reply. For your first questions, the answer is yes: while fully explicit scenes won't be included for a looooooong time, we are working on adding innuendos and "bulging up" some near-future cgs :3
For the "reaction animation" part I'm not exactly sure how to interpretate it (more animation on sprites, more poses...), but either way we held back further additions to sprite variations until the uniform change is fully implemented. Thank you for your patience!
No worries, I don't mind waiting for a quality answers which you have just delivered, as for what I meant with more expressive animations I meant that perhaps the sprites could have some more expressive reaction changes. But please don't misunderstand, I am extremely impressed by the game and am so very happy that its not dead. Have a wonderful week.
Divo here: happy holidays everyone, We know we look quite dead, but we're still alive, we are zombies. The usual stuff happened: exams, Googs got the covid, then I graduated, then Googs' exams... In the meantime we have released a special episode that it's not avaible on itch.io, but today we have announced a new schedule and we hope to release a full build here soon too.
So glad to here that this isn't dead, while this VN is not perfect I truly believe that with enough love and commitment it can become something amazing. Also I'm a little confused, where was the release schedule posted? Anyways thanks for this great news and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday
the most absurd part of this game including the eldritch horrors is the fact that the MC attends a conservatorium and has not practiced a single time since arriving
Thank you for word^^ About the mc portrait not showing, we noticed that while fixing the UI on Android, portraits might not appear on Tablet devices. We are still looking into how to fix it, gomen!!
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They've been dead for two years
I hope project is not dead or cancelled. It really has a lots of potential to be great
Crescendo sounds like a spanish thing.. Creciendo i think it was.. i will try the Game and later edit and say my opinion MUAJAJA
Edit : Oh god..its so good! I will be waiting for the update.. i think it's cancelled but don't be negative! Just.. wait. And being possitive! Bye!!
Crescendo is Italian. It means gradually getting louder.
When are you going to post the next update of this visual novel?
Is it gone forever?
Hopefully not.
Fam it dead.
I'm still waiting after one and half a year to start reading this.
is the project gonna continue?
in 2077 maybe
oh god
Fam it dead.
I Do Hope you continue this project and not scrap it
uhh what happened if i may ask
For people like me wondering what happened: They made an update on Patreon and they’re going to post a devlog here in the future with more details.
Looking forward to see more of this VN and also to spend more time with the best dude I could imagine, Lawrence
Doooes anyone here know whether or not the VN is ever going to be publicly updated again?
since the last patreon update was in april, I'm hoping this VN isn't dead yet
Show post...
Ah yea, this was a kid (yes really) that spread hate comments all over itch and had their account suspended after someone reported them to their school? Dunno the whole story but that's about it.
this looks nice hope there's a new update soon
i wonder when is the next update?
me too
I'm looking forward to the next build. It's a really good visual novel • ◡•
Hello anyone there
depends lol, who are you looking for?
can you make a walkthrough please?
Lawrence is baby (and reminds me of Papyrus from undertale)
right! i thought of papyrus too! i was wondering why hes so familiar
When is the next update coming out?
uuh are you aware something is wrong with the save feature ?
Really?? Could you tell us about the issue?
on my first play through the game i couldn't save it kept showing game error, the save feature started working on the second, its fine now but a bit frustrating on the first one
Mmmmh I see. We'll recheck the code and see what we can do to fix that.
the artstyle is cute I haven't played it yet but it sounds intriguing
So glad to see if updated, I literally did a not so little happy dance when I saw the new content. I can't wait to try this game out, but may I ask a few questions?
Sure thing!
Thank you so so much, my main question is two fold, will their be an aspect of romance/dating in future updates and will there be explicit/sexual content or scenes? In regards to the second question I want to be clear that my future enjoyment of this VN is in no way dependent on there being explicit content, I am just curious about what you meant when you said there would be NSFW material in future updates. Finally I have one more thing to say that I am very afraid may come across as rude or out of line when I mean it only as feedback from a fan. This feedback is that I would like to see more reaction animations for the character models. But all in all I'm so happy that this VN isn't dead and I cant wait to see what's yet to come.
Aye aye, sorry for the late reply.
For your first questions, the answer is yes: while fully explicit scenes won't be included for a looooooong time, we are working on adding innuendos and "bulging up" some near-future cgs :3
For the "reaction animation" part I'm not exactly sure how to interpretate it (more animation on sprites, more poses...), but either way we held back further additions to sprite variations until the uniform change is fully implemented.
Thank you for your patience!
No worries, I don't mind waiting for a quality answers which you have just delivered, as for what I meant with more expressive animations I meant that perhaps the sprites could have some more expressive reaction changes. But please don't misunderstand, I am extremely impressed by the game and am so very happy that its not dead. Have a wonderful week.
yay, they're back! ^^
Yay thanks for the update, for some reason i have a feeling you will update it today lol
Divo here: happy holidays everyone, We know we look quite dead, but we're still alive, we are zombies. The usual stuff happened: exams, Googs got the covid, then I graduated, then Googs' exams... In the meantime we have released a special episode that it's not avaible on itch.io, but today we have announced a new schedule and we hope to release a full build here soon too.
So glad to here that this isn't dead, while this VN is not perfect I truly believe that with enough love and commitment it can become something amazing. Also I'm a little confused, where was the release schedule posted? Anyways thanks for this great news and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Holiday
Merry Christmas. Are you alive? We haven't heard from you in a long time, should we worry?
Merry Christmas everyone 😁
owo when the update
the most absurd part of this game including the eldritch horrors is the fact that the MC attends a conservatorium and has not practiced a single time since arriving
When will the next public update be?
You added emotions!! I love it!!
Also, the main character doesnt appear next to the dialog box when he is talking, am I the only one having this problem?
Thank you for word^^
About the mc portrait not showing, we noticed that while fixing the UI on Android, portraits might not appear on Tablet devices. We are still looking into how to fix it, gomen!!
oh I had no idea! I thought it was my device's problem or something hahaha